
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 62-64
50134 Firenze



document library

it, Pdf
A spasso con Luisanna
Cammini e mangiari di Prato e dintorni. Testi e foto di Luisana Messeri.
en, Pdf
All around Florence

A trip to the Florence area, a patrimony of villas, castles, enchanted forests and hills.

it, Pdf
All’ombra degli Etruschi

Sulle tracce degli antenati Etruschi in Toscana

en, Pdf
Amiata: the mother mountain

Villages, attractions, events and traditional products.

en, Pdf
Archaeological itineraries in Tuscany

A journey from Prehistory to the Roman Age

en, Pdf
Art of the 20th Century in Valdinievole

The Art Nouveau of Galileo Chini, the works of Joan Mirò, the architecture of Mazzoni and Michelucci.

it, Pdf
Atlante dei Cammini

Passo dopo passo tra le città d’arte e i paesaggi naturali della Toscana.

es, Pdf
Atlas de los caminos toscanos
Paso a paso por las ciudades de arte y los paisajes naturales de la Toscana.
de, Pdf
Atlas der Wanderwege in der Toskana
Schritt für Schritt durch die Kunststädte und Naturlandschaften der Toskana.
fr, Pdf
Atlas des Chemins Toscans
Pas à pas, entre les villes d’art et les paysages naturels de la Toscane.
en, Pdf
Atlas of Tuscan Walks

Step after step through the historic cities and natural landscapes of Tuscany.

audiolibro, en
Audiobook – The Vase of Concord

Download the six chapters of the audiobook for children The Vase of Concord, an etruscan adventure, by Lorenza Cingoli and Martina Forti.

en, Pdf
Bisenzio Valley

A valley to discover. Exploring Cantagallo, Vaiano and Vernio.

en, infografica
Botticelli biography

Biography and main works of one of the great artist of the Italian Renaissance.

en, infografica
Brunelleschi biography

The Florentine father of the Renaissance

en, Pdf
Caterina de’ Medici biography

The Italian Medici noblewoman and her life in the French court.

en, infografica, Pdf
Chianti vs Chianti Classico

Chianti and Chianti Classico , are two different and separate DOCG (Designation of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin), with two different areas of production, characteristics and consortia responsible for the quality of the wine.

en, Pdf
Colouring book “In the shadow of Etruscans”

On the trail of Etruscans in Tuscany

en, Pdf
Contemporary Tuscany

Contemporary art places, destinations and events in Tuscany. A selection by Centro Pecci.

en, Pdf
Dante Alighieri biography

Read about Dante Alighieri, the great Italian poet who takes his readers on a tour of the afterlife.

145 documents